Saturday, November 7, 2009

LIght's UP @ Orchard

Year end is coming & Christmas is just around the corner. We heading to Orchard Road for light viewing tonite with Mum & Jia Jia.

We were quite lucky the Singapore's President S R Nathan who did the honours by lighting up the Orchard Road was just right in front of our car. No wonder we spotted so many Harley Davidsons together with few open top buses guided by traffic police.
Xixi was happily spotting snowman, star, balls, santa claus along the roadside.

this photo was from other website.


Kit Yee said...

So fast can c the light light liao. I like the photos.

Venus said...

thanks, yup,it's another yr soon.

Christie - Childhood 101 said...

I wish I had been in Singapore to see the Christmas lights, they look beautiful.

Venus said...

Yup, this year's X'mas deco is beautiful.
Well, u r welcome to Singapore again.
I'm sure ur little one will like it like my gal too.

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