Sunday, November 29, 2009

New games

We notice XX is initiating to play new games with us recently, here are some examples:-

Hide & seek 1
She will count 1 to 12 (I wonder why not to 10) at a corner & we hide. However, she will only find those area that we hide before, haa haa. Sometimes, she will ask us to hide at a particular area, so that she can find us easily, very kiasu, right?

Hide & seek 2
To me this is rather meaningless, but she enjoys playing repeatedly. She will hide something in the room, then she come out & ask us where was the hidden objects. We must guess fakery, once we are right, she will happily bring tat object out. I wonder when she will sick of this game.

Taking our photos
She will ask Daddy & Mummy to sit very closely (head must stick to head) & said 1 2 3. Then Daddy & Mummy is expected to pose & smile for her to take picture. :>

Advancement of 接龙游戏
Number 1 to 10K, although she will skip some numbers in between, like from 69 strict jump to 80. But she knows after 99 is 100, then we go 200,300 all the way to 1000, 2000 .to 10000. We are stopping at 10K at this moment.

ALPHABET, now we alternate it in pair, ie. AB then CD then EF till YZ. She has been very familiar with ABC sequence, when we sing leapfrog phonic song, I purposely tell her the next alphabet wrongly, she will say, "mummy, I want D, D" or "the next is F" & so far she has been correct whenever she spotted my mistake.

Multiplication She surprise us by telling us the multiplication 2 table, from 212 till 2918.
(Xixi - 2Y 7M)

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