Friday, October 16, 2009

Sick again

Yup, Xixi fall sick again. (Oct 12 to 16) It's the same symptoms, started with high fever for 2 days, & temperature fluctuated for 2 more days, due to sore throat / throat infection. Thereafter, it's coughing with phlegm for a week.

We are on high alert especially when her temperature hit 39.9 on the 2nd day! To avoid this to happen again, we are forcing her to drink herbal tea, water, juices etc. I think we gotta continue feeding her different kind of liquid, otherwise, Ryan & I will have no choice but to continue take turn to rest at home to take care of her, as we foresee it will come again & again. :<
Waiting for Taxi at bus station.
(Xixi - 2Y 5M)

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