Saturday, October 24, 2009

Daddy & Mummy ... Unwanted!!!

It was 10.15pm, we decided to leave 七叔's house as Xixi has long passed her 9pm bed time. The little gal was too excited with so many people around (i.e. 公公,婆婆,二叔,小叔,姐姐,七叔公,七婶婆) + a very big bear bear, she refused to go back with us!

Ryan & I threaten her by leaving the house, she wave goodbye to us & even close the wooden door & gate, leaving the 2 stunned parent waiting outside the unit! The poor parent can hear the happy voice of Xixi continue playing with the rest! Think it's time for Ryan & I to start 反省.

Is this consider independent? well, i really have no idea, can only recall the tired gal told us i want to SLEEP once we reached home.
(2Y 6M)

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