Friday, October 30, 2009

i like painting!

(Xixi - 2Y 6M)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

27 weeks now

Well, it's another milestone now, i'm into final trimester since few days ago.

Other than diarrhea for 2 days due to durian tasting, weight drop by 1kg during that week, everything has been fine so far.

These few days, i can feel her little hand / leg crossing from left to right or vice versa. Didn't realize i miss this feeling for so long until it happen again.

At 27 weeks, baby is 970 gram, which remind me of the same worry during Xixi's time, coz Xixi's weight also way above the average weight chart. My only wish now is to deliver the 2nd one just like Xixi (around the same weight, process, time, health etc). Cross my fingers tightly, both.

Mummy weight at 53kg.
(Baby - 27 weeks)

Terminal 3 again

Our monkey Xixi.
T3 is spacious, we let her walk & run at her will.
Enjoy the swing & ask Mummy to stand up & swing her.
Taking the train - T3 to T2.
1, 2, 3... Tu Tu!

As usual, refuse to leave. :<
(Xixi - 2Y 6M)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Daddy & Mummy ... Unwanted!!!

It was 10.15pm, we decided to leave 七叔's house as Xixi has long passed her 9pm bed time. The little gal was too excited with so many people around (i.e. 公公,婆婆,二叔,小叔,姐姐,七叔公,七婶婆) + a very big bear bear, she refused to go back with us!

Ryan & I threaten her by leaving the house, she wave goodbye to us & even close the wooden door & gate, leaving the 2 stunned parent waiting outside the unit! The poor parent can hear the happy voice of Xixi continue playing with the rest! Think it's time for Ryan & I to start 反省.

Is this consider independent? well, i really have no idea, can only recall the tired gal told us i want to SLEEP once we reached home.
(2Y 6M)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Xixi - 2Y 6M

At 2.5 Y, XX finally into her sentences phase, Though consider slow to her peer, but we still welcome it, haa. she will said “I wan…. I wan ….” “I don’t wan…. I don’t wan….”

During XX’s karaoke time, she suddenly sing the Barney Sunday – Saturday song, she manage to sing the whole song by herself. When she start singing, both YiYi & I kept quiet, coz we wan to know how much she know, didn’t realize she manage to remember in such a short timing! May be she really watch too much Barney at CC. I never teach her this song.

TV time. She has been testing our patient recently, kept asking for more TV program. We have stopped those DVD disc during weekday as we notice she watch everyday at CC. She will suddenly ask me, “Barney 123?"when I answer NO! she will test the rest, i.e. Barney ABC? Leapfrog ABC? 123? Dora? Pirate pig? Dun doubt her patient, even i continue answer NO, she will ask again after sometimes. When Barney singing the l love u song at the end, she will come to me & ask, “some more?” but how to let her watch so much? Really headache.

Now when she watch TV, she won’t’ sit still on sofa like last time, she will take other toys to play at the same time = not concentrating.

She is a fussy & messy eater now, taking longer time to finish her food.

Strange, she prefer people to carry her now instead of walking herself. She ask YiYi to carry her, from CC to home. Halfway YiYi was tired & ask her to walk, she said “bao XX, bao XX, I wan bao” Somemore hug YiYi tightly, Yiyi no choice to carry her till home!

She has been surprised us by suddenly pop out 212, 224, 236, 248, 313, 326,339 these 2 weeks! Ok, it's the 乘法表 & so far she only can remember these few.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Polliwogs

We decided to explore The Polliwogs this week. It's more adult friendly at the indoor playground, we have more rooms to chase after the little one.
Despite need to climb 3 flrs in order to slide, it remains her favorites for the day.
(Xixi - 2Y 5M)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sick again

Yup, Xixi fall sick again. (Oct 12 to 16) It's the same symptoms, started with high fever for 2 days, & temperature fluctuated for 2 more days, due to sore throat / throat infection. Thereafter, it's coughing with phlegm for a week.

We are on high alert especially when her temperature hit 39.9 on the 2nd day! To avoid this to happen again, we are forcing her to drink herbal tea, water, juices etc. I think we gotta continue feeding her different kind of liquid, otherwise, Ryan & I will have no choice but to continue take turn to rest at home to take care of her, as we foresee it will come again & again. :<
Waiting for Taxi at bus station.
(Xixi - 2Y 5M)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Mid Autumn Festival 2009

We have attended a neighbourhood Mid Autumn Festival celebration on the actual day. From far, Xixi spotted Uncle Ringo's balloon station & requested to join as other kids. Well, why not?
Holding her ticket waiting patiently.
But once step on the floating balloned station, she refused to move in. She has been standing at entrance for at least 5 minutes!
& these show how she enjoys jumping up & down insides!
Her new toy after this event.
(Xixi - 2Y 5M)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Go-Go Bambini

We brought Xixi to this famous indoor playground - Go-Go Bambini last weekend. She has a great one hour there - climbing, crawling, jumping, running, sliding & eating.
Xixi's all time favourite - slide
She was not willing to go through the tunnel without Daddy doing together.
Having great fun in ball pool.
The yummy food end the session.
(Xixi - 2Y 5M)
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers