Friday, September 11, 2009

I'm guilty

I was quite lucky to "tumbang" my colleague's car every morning recently. Occasionally when he was not working, i took cab during the first trimester.

It can be quite pricy for each journey (around $25-$30), & since i'm quite ok now so i decided to take train on Friday morning when my colleague is on leave.

As expected, when i entered into the cabin, all seats are taken & those ppl usually are "sleeping". My luck was terrible, i start seeing stars & not feeling well after standing for 5 stations. Just when i'm thinking should i squat down or leave the cabin to prevent fainting, i saw 1 empty seat far away from where i'm standing. Without hesitating, i act fast & manage to secure the seat.

I close my eyes & gasp for air, "cool sweat" came out in forehead. After a while, i feel better & open my eyes. O no, i felt so bad when i saw an old uncle standing in front of me. I'm guilty, yes, i've taken away his seat, right in front of him!!!

I quickly close my eyes again, now, i'm the one who pretend sleeping!!! I apologize many times silently... & continue sitting until i reach my destination. I know i'm bad.
(baby - 21 weeks)


Kit Yee said... time better take cab lah...

Venus said...

I've spent hundreds of dollars on cab alone during 1st trimester. Wish to save a little :p

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