Saturday, September 19, 2009

Xixi - 2Y 5M

I enjoyed the get to bed time with Xixi recently, especially we can 点歌 now. She sings at least 10-20 songs each nite, until we stop her. Sometimes she will keep saying next song next song, we just ignored her request & kept quiet, otherwise, we do not know if she will sing until 10pm!

The songs that she sing - 小星星, Twinkle twinkle little star, I love u, mother duck song, 洋娃娃,三轮车,两只老虎,我的朋友在哪里,Old Mc donald has a farm, 1 2 tie my shoe, colour song, how much is that doggie, fishes fishes where are you, dishes song, here we go lubilu, fishes counting song etc etc. There are songs even i never heard b4, think she learn it from CC.

Well, i do hopes i wouldn't miss much of Xixi's growth when little one arrive, though i know is impossible. Her growth at 2Y 5M:-
- Able to inform us when she want to Poo poo & sometimes Xuxu.
- Improve on mandarin vocab, she even catch up on Hokkien too. Currently she know "Yu Chiu, Zhou Chiu, Yu Ka, Zhou Ka"
- Start enjoying mandarin book
- Toys she plays recently - blocks, matching card, ball, lantern, cutting vegetables etc
- Foods she enjoys recently - mooncake, fries, ice cream!
(Xixi - 2Y 5M)

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