Sunday, July 18, 2010

Congratulations to CA & WT!

Congrates to CA & WT who are getting ROM today.
XX wake up as early as 6.30am & want to wear her princess dress.

The newly wed couple.
Waiting patiently.
Serious talk & nervous looks.
Group photo for all
We heads to 北京楼 for our sumptuous lunch right after photos taking session.
& this is my pick for the picture of the day, haa.
The gals shooting with her 堂叔
btw, this is the first time i shoot in door without flash at all.
All pics here are without any post processing.
Simply love my Sony NEX-5.
(XX - 3Y3M, YY - 6M)


Kit Yee said...

After wearing the hair band, YY looks like gui mui zai.

What happen to XX in the last photo?

Venus said...

ha, coz she dye hair ma...

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