Sunday, February 14, 2010

CNY 2010

This is a special CNY for us.
1st, we had a new family member
2nd, we are not celebrating it

For the first time, we did not step out from the house as we are not supposed to visit others due to customary restrictions.

Well, may be good for mummy as she is still clumsy & kelam kabut with the new baby.
Xixi asked to carry YiYi for the 1st time

She find ways to entertain herself, the curtain.
Photo with 公公&婆婆

& the last one, 偷吃!
(2Y 9M n 0 Mth)


Kit Yee said...

盆菜 looks yummy!

Venus said...

Ya, my BIL bought it, delicious!

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