Friday, January 1, 2010

Vivo city

Although stomach has been big, we still bring Xixi out to Vivo city today. I'm doubt she will have the same attention as now after mei mei's arrival.
This is the first time she wear the sun glass for long time, keep telling us, "See, i so nice!" buay tahan, haa haa.
Lunch at Modestos, Xixi likes the bread + pasta.
btw, she only likes to "wash hand" at the water fountain area.
Not to forget her favourite, slide.
(Xixi - 2Y 8M)


Kit Yee said...

The food look yummy!

Venus said...

U can try in Malaysia, they have few restaurant in KL. Xixi love it.

In fact, we tried it before during our gathering long time ago.

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