Monday, December 14, 2009

Barney's World of Imagination

Xixi has been crazy abt this purple dinosaur recently. Since she can't go back to visit Gong Gong as she was just recovered from high fever on Thursday, we decided to catch the last day of Live Musical Show @ United Square.

Unexpectedly, she was pretty calm when Barney & Baby Bop was on stage, we tot she would have screamed / shouted initially, may be she can't accept Barney is so HUGE?! But i'm sure she enjoys this session. Too bad we missed the chance to take photo with Barney & his Friends. May be, next time.

(Xixi - 2Y 7M)


Kit Yee said...

XX so 幸福! Barney really powerful, many kids like it!

Venus said...

ya, the Q was so long even we reach there 1hr before the show start.

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