Monday, November 30, 2009

B4 meal time

i noticed the little one mumbles a lot recently, after listen carefully, O, this is what she mean:-

"Thank you Aunty, thank you Teachers.
Join me Teachers, join me friends.
(Xixi - 2Y 7M)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The departure of Xixi's Great Grandmum

We were away for 5 days last week, attending the funeral ceremony at Muar, Johor.

Xixi did not really get use to the big crowd & environment there. To ease her tense & discomfort, mummy reluctantly to let her play with iphone & view movie clips through pc for long hours.

Btw, we met XX's aunty - which is only 6 mth old. It kind of funny that XX has to call the baby 堂姑.

It's an eye opener for many people of the Kampung style ceremony & we were glad that the whole process has been smooth & we returned home on Sat nite safely.
(Xixi - 2Y 7M)

New games

We notice XX is initiating to play new games with us recently, here are some examples:-

Hide & seek 1
She will count 1 to 12 (I wonder why not to 10) at a corner & we hide. However, she will only find those area that we hide before, haa haa. Sometimes, she will ask us to hide at a particular area, so that she can find us easily, very kiasu, right?

Hide & seek 2
To me this is rather meaningless, but she enjoys playing repeatedly. She will hide something in the room, then she come out & ask us where was the hidden objects. We must guess fakery, once we are right, she will happily bring tat object out. I wonder when she will sick of this game.

Taking our photos
She will ask Daddy & Mummy to sit very closely (head must stick to head) & said 1 2 3. Then Daddy & Mummy is expected to pose & smile for her to take picture. :>

Advancement of 接龙游戏
Number 1 to 10K, although she will skip some numbers in between, like from 69 strict jump to 80. But she knows after 99 is 100, then we go 200,300 all the way to 1000, 2000 .to 10000. We are stopping at 10K at this moment.

ALPHABET, now we alternate it in pair, ie. AB then CD then EF till YZ. She has been very familiar with ABC sequence, when we sing leapfrog phonic song, I purposely tell her the next alphabet wrongly, she will say, "mummy, I want D, D" or "the next is F" & so far she has been correct whenever she spotted my mistake.

Multiplication She surprise us by telling us the multiplication 2 table, from 212 till 2918.
(Xixi - 2Y 7M)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

X'MAS open top bus cruise

We managed to secure 8 tickets from Metro for the free Christmas Light Me Up - Open Top Bus Cruise at 7.30 on 22 Nov 2009 (Sun). Too bad Daddy was not able to join us, never mind, we have Aunty Michelle & Qun Qun gor gor in the end.

However, the cruise was rather disappointing.
1st - we assembled @ Park Royal Hotel. The journey was too long with NO X'mas lighting b4 turning into Orchard Road.
2nd - The bus is not fully open top, the front part is actually covered & aircon. & tat's the reason why all the nice view during the cruise was blocked.

Aunty Michelle & Qun Qun gor gor.
(Xixi - 2Y 7M)

Friday, November 20, 2009

31 weeks

Went for my check up today. Dr. highlighted that Baby has head down &I might have earlier delivery especially base on my 1st pregnancy record. I've also decided to deliver in TMC after discussion with Dr.

Btw, I have gained 4 kg in a mth! I'm 58kg, & baby 1.7kg.

(Baby - 31 weeks)

Off Day

Mummy took leave today as XX's childcare is closed due to teacher's training day.

With the help of 外婆, we took the challenge to 大舅's house by train. We have smooth journey this time, Xixi is very cooperative, sitting guai guai with the eyes curiously observing left & right.
Valerie slept soundly during our whole visit session, the feeling is so good looking at the cute baby sleep. I can see 外婆's saliva dripping, haa.

As promised, we brought XX to "big playground" since she behave well. However, the Kidz Amaze @ Jurong Safra end up a big disappointment to all:-
1st they are charging each accompanying adult.
2nd we felt that the facilities are not suitable for XX's age group.
3rd the gor gor jie jie there are playing quite rough overall.
In conclusion, we will not return to this place in due course.
(Xixi - 2Y 7M)

Thursday, November 19, 2009


After coming back from GuGu's house, XX refused to get down from the car although YY offer to carry her. She looks for wai po instead. This is strange as 1. She seldom carried by others 2. She never carried by wai po after baby time. The only suspect is, my little gal is jealous because she saw wai po carried & feed baby Valerie not long ago.

Goodness, this is the 1st sign of her jealousy, & we believe more will be coming soon.
(Xixi - 2Y 7M)

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Xixi likes to play 接龙游戏 with us recently.
She will start by saying, "A, mummy, A!"
Then we are expected to continue with "B"
She will then say "C"
Both of us will need to say the next alphabet from A to Z alternatively, & same applies to number too. We have even finished counting from 1 to 100 twice so far!
(Xixi - 2Y 6M)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The arrival of little angel - Valerie

Let's welcome cute little Valerie on 12/11/09, after a long wait in the labour ward. The baby is blessed with big eyes & sharp nose, & most important good health.

Parenthood is a wonderful journey, welcome on board my brother & SIL, Congrates!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

X'mas Tree is up, again!

Yes, X'mas Tree is up again. This time, it's decorated by Jia Jia YiYi & Xixi alone.
The little gal enjoys so much once she saw Daddy took out the tree!

(Xixi - 2Y 6M)

This time, it's 外婆

A precious moment for 外婆.
After staying with Xixi for abt a week, she is able to hold Xixi's hand when they go market together.

(Xixi - 2Y 6M)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

LIght's UP @ Orchard

Year end is coming & Christmas is just around the corner. We heading to Orchard Road for light viewing tonite with Mum & Jia Jia.

We were quite lucky the Singapore's President S R Nathan who did the honours by lighting up the Orchard Road was just right in front of our car. No wonder we spotted so many Harley Davidsons together with few open top buses guided by traffic police.
Xixi was happily spotting snowman, star, balls, santa claus along the roadside.

this photo was from other website.

Friday, November 6, 2009

She pointed this to us!

This morning, while we walking through the passage way of CC, Xixi stopped & showed us this!

Haa, it’s her artwork pasted on the window. Guess she must be pretty proud of her duck.

(Xixi – 2Y 6M)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Have fun with colour!

Painting with brushes this time.
Her teacher today - Jia Jia YiYi
Their works.
(XX - 2Y 6M)
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers