Sunday, May 17, 2009

25 mths

Chen Xi will be 25 mth tomorrow. 

The greatest changes after she turn 2, is her verbal skill. From not willing to talk much, into a talkative gal. To our surprise, she even sang "twinkle twinkle little star" during one of the nite when we were about to sleep. 

This friendly gal willing to great ppl when taught, these includes those she seldom meet / strangers in the lift. Her best friend is Jia Yi right now.

Besides, she improves on her fine motor skills too. She loves to show us her "very good" gesture, sometimes will give a try on 1 to 5 gesture too. 

Her new favourite toys includes puzzles, balloons, guitar, role playing BBQ trolley & rider. Not to forget her DORA!

She is 12.5 kg today, will check on her height soon.
(25 mth)

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