Sunday, May 31, 2009


btw, my independent gal is able to climb up the the string car herself today!

(25 mths)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Her Sunglass

After more than a mth's long wait, we finally received Xixi's sunglass. She can't wait but quickly want me to put on for her. Ok, at least from now onwards, 姨姨 & Mummy can start wearing our own sunglass without her disturbance.
(25 mth)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

25 mths

Chen Xi will be 25 mth tomorrow. 

The greatest changes after she turn 2, is her verbal skill. From not willing to talk much, into a talkative gal. To our surprise, she even sang "twinkle twinkle little star" during one of the nite when we were about to sleep. 

This friendly gal willing to great ppl when taught, these includes those she seldom meet / strangers in the lift. Her best friend is Jia Yi right now.

Besides, she improves on her fine motor skills too. She loves to show us her "very good" gesture, sometimes will give a try on 1 to 5 gesture too. 

Her new favourite toys includes puzzles, balloons, guitar, role playing BBQ trolley & rider. Not to forget her DORA!

She is 12.5 kg today, will check on her height soon.
(25 mth)

My Guitarist

A quality toy from Huggies barcode redemption.
(24 mth)

Some old photos

Found these the other days, have lost track using which website to do it. Pls let me know if you do.

Well, the last one is obvious, from
(photos done @ Xixi's 11 mth)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

What about BBQ tomorrow?


(24 mth)

Can you do me a favour, please?

How to turn the door nob, please?
(24 mth)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mr. Baoz

Mr. Baoz looks yummy, feels hot & smell good when we paid. But we were too full at that time thus only tasted it like 2 hours later. So, i think my comments will not be fair...
What others think of Mr. Baoz in Pavillion, KL
(O btw, we bought it from City Square, JB)

It's Sunny Day

We have been of no luck for quite sometimes whenever we were in JB, it juz rain every time we wanna bring out the pool. After a long wait, Xixi finally able to put on her swim suit. Hooray!

Trust me, child alone at home is lonely. I felt sad for her when she play alone in the little pool. Shall arrange some kids water fun soon.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Play time again!

Mummy was on ML due to flu & throat infection today, after gaining enough rest, we played these together.
Think she's not into playdoh yet, although we gave her the favourite Alphabet & Numbers set, she prefer to play with the playdoh cans. 
(Well, she re-arranged the cans into the box, again & again!)
She is more concentrates on the Dora board game. 
Yup, it's her DORA again. 
On & off, give me silly looks.
(24 mth)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Piang / Nice!!!

First, it was HFMD. Now, it's H1N1. We has been warned not to bring Xixi out during the weekend. So, the poor gal kept herself busy with playing her own fingers. 

She is able to:-
1. Piang (coz it's gun)

2. say Nice (praise a good food) / Good (when she behave)

So, you should know the 2 words we heard most today, haa.
(24 mth)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Tesco Trolly

On May Day, we had grocery shopping at Tesco. The thoughtful idea of hypermarket has lead to many happy kids pushing the shopping cart around, & Xixi was one of them.

(24 mth)
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers