Wednesday, March 18, 2009

One more mth to go...

At 23 mths, XX likes 
- to turnaround & dance, nod & shake her head 
- to kiss us when we pretend to sleep & she will kiss until we wake up! 
- & willing to answer our question using language  

XX is slow in talking. But recently she talks a lot. From 2 mths ago, she still saying single word, ball, fly, pig, to last mth nana, gong 2, gu2, & the latest Daddy, wa gong, wa ma, apple, pig.....let. 
She has improved a lot. She also start pronouncing A, B, C, K, Y etc & the learning speed is real fast. We are so glad to monitor her growth & continue "discovering" her new skill.
(23 mth)

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