Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sentosa ’s Tales of Spring (春天的故事)

This is the first year 外公,外婆&小舅coming down to Singapore celebrate CNY with us. Today, we visited Sentosa's Flower Festival after 小舅return to KL.

Crowded Sentosa. Rabbit XiXi.
Happy 外公
Cunning Smile Xixi.
Daddy with me
Yiyi with me + 绣球花
Group photo (finally with mummy)
(9 mth)


Kit Yee said...

Why no mummy phot? The flowers are very beautiful.

Venus said...

As usual, Mummy was the photographer. The flowers are real beautiful, plan to go again if Sentosa have the same event next year. Your mood changes too when u see all the pretty flowers.

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