Sunday, June 27, 2010


(XX - 3Y2M)


(XX - 3Y 2M, YY - 5M)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Yiyi @ 5M

I confessed, i seldom took Yiyi's photos as Xixi's time.
Here are 2 that i like.
(YY - 5M)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

i want Yakult

We introduce Yakult to XX recently, & she simply love the drinks inside the little bottle. She is making her own shopping in supermarket.
(XX - 3Y2M)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mamil Milkathon 2010

The whole family wake up early today, because we are taking part in the Singapore’s first ever Kids’ Milkathon and Milk Toast at Playground @ Big Splash, for the Singapore Book of Records.
Somehow, i find the "opening" is too draggy, i saw a lot of perspire kids running / wailing around, think everyone has waited too long. See, my gal receiving her milk.
But toasting with so many kids together is still somehow fun for her, especially we are making a record for Singapore.
Milkathon after the toast.
Booths setting up for toddlers are opened after the walk, but we didn't Q any for Xixi, as Yiyi is still waiting @ KFC nearby.
We had our lunch at Vivocity & has a quick shop too.
Glad that YY still pretty ok in her sling, she just sling as shown & shop together with mummy, & doze off herself when she is tired. ^ - *
(XX - 3Y2M, YY - 5M)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Proudly present

If mummy didn't miss the 2 CC call, it's daddy's photo inside here instead of XiXi's hand print.
Nonetheless, Xixi is still very proud of her work.
(XX - 3Y 2M)

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Desert time

We introduce snack & ice cream to XX after she turn 3.
Enjoying her ice cream time!
& have fun with her alphabet magnet
Now that i realize she really grown taller.

(XX - 3Y1M)

Health check

temperature check first

The camera failed me by hanging few times, really fed up.
She is 7.3kg at 70cm today
(YY - 4M)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Barney Puzzle

Sometimes, i wonder why she like to play the puzzle upside down?
(XX - 3Y1M)
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers