Sunday, July 26, 2009

Stand Up . Go Outside .

Xixi has shared room with YiYi after her 2 yo BD.
Recently, after her last fed, YiYi will carry her to switch off the light, wave good nite to us & close the door. We let her sleep with us for tonite as our precious guests is here.

I think she too used to her sleeping pattern, one nite she asked 外婆 to go outside when she close the door! Yesterday she asked 外公 stand up coz she realise he was lying on her bed!

Though the grandparents treat it as joke, but as parent i do felt embarrassed at that moment.
(27 mth)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Melt @ Mandarin Oriental

We have not going back to KL for sometimes, so 外公,外婆&小舅 came down visiting us this weekend. Thanks for a good treat from 大舅, we have our sumptious dinner gathering @ The Melt today.
The 2 happy ABC's makers
The 2 Satisfied meal lovers.

She refused to go home after that. :<

(27 mth)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The long awaited 2nd Trimester

I only can recall i was very sleepy during Xixi's 1st trimester.
My only wish now - the experience that i've went thru in recent few weeks will not come back anymore, not even one day.

I've been tired easily recently.
I've lost appetite most of the time.
I've been forcing myself to eat to avoid stomach bloated which will cause vomiting later.
I've been vomited few times a day recently.
I've been taking taxi to office most of the time, it cost $25-30 /trip.
I've had uncounted sleepless nite frequently, usually wake up between 1+am to 4+am & not able to get back to sleep. & then i continue working in the following hours.

My only regret was, i've spent very little time with Xixi.
She was always told not to disturb mummy who was lying on bed after dinner.

Last but not least, my special thanks to my 2 greatest supporter, Daddy & YiYi who help me a lot during this difficult period.
(12 week)

Sing Song

Xixi simply likes to sing recently, these are what we recorded today.
O well, she is siting on her potty though.
(26 mth)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Weekend @ JB

Xixi's 公公 had a bad fall & was hospitalized few days @ the General Hospital, we went back to visit him. We are glad that there is no blood clod in head & he has improved a lot over the last 2 days thus Dr. allowed him to discharge on Sat.

This round, Xixi took longer time to warm up with Ryan's family. She took at least 2 hrs later then start calling everyone. Overall, she juz simply enjoys to play with them.

(26 mth)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Terrible 2

I heard of terrible 2 before & was quite relax as Xixi never show any symptom for this. I’m wrong & happy too early. The drastic change came since last week.

She used to play her toy one item at a time.
Now, she will play few toys at the same time, all over the places.

She used to keep her toy when she finishes playing one.
Now, even we call her to place the toy back to correct place, she “pretend” not hearing us.

She used to read the books gently.
Now, she would tear the book!

She used to play the flashcard carefully.
Now, she would fold the flashcard.

She used to use crayon / pencil on papers only.
Now, she would test it on books, floor, table.
Worst, she tastes the crayon & doh doh the other day.

She used to smile happily always.
Now, she would cry for attention for no reason.

I’m in a dilemma, she is out of control right now.
Am I spending too little time with my precious recently?
I guess so, may be she is asking for my attention…
Need to do some research on this topic.
(26 mth)
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