Sunday, April 26, 2009

Her Birthday present

It's a sliding baby carriage by 大舅&大舅母. Well, it can be too late for a 2 year old toddler. But XX simply like it, refused to leave when she ride on it at shopping centre weeks ago.

She was very excited when 大舅 reached home with her present. Busy helping Daddy to fix up her new rider.

 The pics were badly taken by hp. :<
(24 mth)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pneumococcal vaccine

After the hair cut, Xixi had her 1 jab of Pneumococcal vaccine.
The main reason for taking this optional vaccine is because the beginning symptoms are juz normal fever & coughing, we can hardly diffrenciate it between pneumococcal disease or juz normal sickness. So, although it cost slightly over $170, we still think worth buying the insurance.

(24 mth)

The new Ugly me

Hi, I'm 2 years 1 week old today.
Mummy said i need a hair cut, although she enjoys create new looks using hand bands, hair clips etc for me, but she still think i shouldn't keep long hair. :<
Here was the torturing session i've gone through.

Honestly, Mummy prefer her old look. Where is the girly XX now?
(24 mth)

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Together with the same whole "gang", we visited 光明山 @ Bishan today. Never realize Singapore got such big space for temple. It's beautifully built & maintained.

外公,外婆 & 嘉嘉姨姨 return to KL after this. Thanks for coming down purposely to celebrate Xixi's 2nd BD! We hope u enjoys yourselves as we did. Cheers!
(24 mth)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

ChenXi is 2

Xixi has reached 2 today. When she happily woke up from her long nap, the house were packed with 外公,外婆,嘉嘉姨姨,大舅&大舅母. She took some times to warm up & started to play with them later.
(24 mth)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A relax weekend

Over the Easter weekend, we jammed 3 hrs at causeway checkpoint before reached JB home. It's a relax short stay, with 公公,婆婆,二叔 ,小叔&姐姐. 

Xixi's improvement during this trip:
- Willing to call all the people at home
- Walk up the staircase one leg one step  
- The most surprised was, she clicked well with 四舅公&四舅婆!

A short video clip of JB's trip, which includes Osim riding fun, BD celebration & counting.
(23 Mth)


Boring while waiting for Mummy.


Story behind scene : 
She was so happy after mummy paid for the bread, but start crying when we passed "1" of it to her. & we realized later that she actually wanted to hold the whole pack & eat!!! 
(23 Mth)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Another week at home

What XX play at home in a week.

XX likes puzzles very much, she has upgraded from the 2 separate alphabet puzzles to the combine turtle puzzle recently. When she plays, she will said "A - apple, B - bird, C - Cat etc until Z - Zebra" & "One, Two, Three etc" or "一,二, 三 etc"

However, we found that she understand the English number but not the Mandarin number, in short, she memorize the 一,二, 三 sequence only.

(23 Mth)

Good News

It started with the bad news first. 

Last Sun (30/03), we brought XX to see Dr. happily to get his approval to return to CCC the next day. Dr. refuse to certify her although the spotting is dried off. According to him, we must see NO spotting / acne at all then only can allow XX to return to CCC!!! Ryan & I have to take leaves for another week in order to stay at home with our little princess!

Today, we went to clinic again. Although XX's skin is still peeling, but Dr. gave us the cert. after examine her condition carefully. Hooray!

(23 Mth)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers