Sunday, August 17, 2008

Olympic 08

Recently Daddy, Mummy & YiYi has been busy watching some of the olympic games on TV. So, they pass me this little drum & let me play alone, then i won't disturb them while they enjoying their program.
See, is my skill good?
No worry, my dearest, i found ways to entertain myself too.
(15 mth)

Sunday, August 10, 2008


We were back to Sembawang Park again on Singapore National Day. This time 大舅&大婶 joined us for picnic. The weather was good, although we reached there at 10.30am, we managed to find a good place near the playground & set up XX's tent.
XX start playing in the tent.
Actually, she only prefer to play in the tent. The field and sand are nitemare to her!!!
See, she was happy being inside the tent.
But not outside.

(15 mth)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wat a MeSS!

This is the usual scene at home recently. I felt tired to clean it up again & again, i think it's time for my princess to learn how to clean the mess she has created.
(15 mth)

Drooling time

Recently XiXi drools a lot due to teething. & yes, the bib has became her label right now.

(15 mth)

Monday, August 4, 2008


Xixi has her first visit to zoo yesterday. The weather is hot coz we were there in the afternoon. My advice, A MUST to take the train - additional S$5 /pax unlimited ride whole day, it's for those who lazy to walk & with kids. We may stop at the any station we wish, but we only stop at Children world. :PWe didn't take much photos as lazy Daddy, Mummy & YiYi only prefer to sit on the train!
O, not to forget the animal we saw - Monkey, Orang Utan, White Tiger, Giraffe, Zebra, Polar Bear, Parrot etc.
(15 mth)

Saturday, August 2, 2008


XX had her 15 mth development assessment & MMR jab today. She felt pretty uneasy once she entered into the Clinic, may be her 6th sense already told her something going to happen to her soon. We failed to take any pic of her as Dr's action was too fast. My princess cried for less than 1 minute & back to normal once she stepped out from the room.

Her growth - Weight : 10.1kg & Height : 78cm at 15 mths 2 weeks 1 day.
(15 mth)
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers